Transformer Substation ISET

The package transformer substation "ISET" сconsists of modules connected to each other forming a common building.
The modular building can be either based on sandwich-type panels or it can be a solid welded metal building
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The modular building can be either based on sandwich-type panels or it can be a solid welded metal building
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ISET Concrete Shell Transformer Substation

The package transformer substation "ISET" consists of modules connected to each other forming a common building.
The building is based on modules made of concrete
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The building is based on modules made of concrete
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ISET distribution substation

The ISET distribution substation consists of modules connected to each other forming a common building.
The modular building can be either based on sandwich-type panels or it can be a solid welded metal building
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The modular building can be either based on sandwich-type panels or it can be a solid welded metal building
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ISET Mast-type Transformer Substation

The mast-type transformer substation ISET consists of a HV panel, power transformer (oil immersed or cast resin), a LV panel, all installed on common welded metal frame.
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Ultima Switchgear

Ultima MV switchgear is based on cubicles with vacuum circuit breakers and solid insulation designed for main busbar current ratings of 630 A and 1250 A.
UM MV Switchgear

UM switchgear is a monoblock with SF6 gas insulation designed for 6-20 kV
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RME MV Switchgear

Inovance HD9x HV Frequency Invertor

Inovance HD9x is a modern high-performance industrial frequency inverter with vector control designed to work with asynchronous and synchronous motors up to 12.5MVA.

Power Switch Boards

Low voltage boards for distribution of electric power of 3-phase AC, 50 Hz, 0.4 kV – 0.69 kV up to 6300 A.
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ID Operating Current Boards (OCB-ID)

DC or AC operating current LV boards for uninterruptible power supply to consumers at the substation
ID-AC Board Order Form
ID-DC Board Order Form
ID-AC Board Order Form
ID-DC Board Order Form
ID Reactive Power Compensation Units

ID I&O Distribution Boards

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